Group of individuals all sat learning about artificial intelligence

Our Mission

We are passionate about empowering individuals to harness the power of AI through expert-led courses.

Our goal is to make AI education accessible to anyone, anywhere.

Founding Story

In late 2022, my first encounter with ChatGPT-3.5 left me awestruck. I rushed to share my excitement with friends, but their indifference only fueled my curiosity. I dove into learning about AI and prompts, discovering how small tweaks could enhance AI’s performance.

Empowered by my newfound knowledge, I created The Prompt Index, a database of prompts built with over 10,000 lines of code. I also launched a newsletter that quickly grew to over 10,000 subscribers, connecting a community of AI enthusiasts.

I realized that while I was immersed in the potential of AI, many others were unaware of its transformative power. This insight led to the creation of The Ministry of AI. Our mission is to make AI education accessible to everyone, empowering individuals to harness its power through expert-led courses.

The Ministry of AI stands as a testament to the power of curiosity and the relentless pursuit of knowledge, bringing the wonders of AI to the world, one individual at a time.